Converting PNGs for display on small LCDs
Jul 7, 2012I backed a recent Kickstarter project to allow Sabernetics to create and sell small I2C powered OLED displays – the small number of IO lines required by I2C makes it an excellent bus for embedded stuff, and I love things with blue LEDs so backing the project was a no-brainer :)
The boards just arrived, so I decided to have a play by wiring one up to an Arduino and giving it a poke.
First, I grabbed the code samples from the Sabernetic site, and after a quick look I noticed that it’s based on Adafruit’s OLED Display Library.
One of the things I like about the demo code is that it draws bitmap icons, as well as circles, lines and rectangles. Icons are particularly cool so I immediately decided to make my own and set about understanding how they’re constructed.
Adafruit has some great tutorials on using OLED displays including how to create icons using LCD Assistant, but after seeing the example code I wanted to try create my own without using Windows, so decided to have a go at hacking up a script to do it for me.
Here’s my first attempt. The result is not even close to being as complete as Adafruit’s screenshots suggest that LCD Assistant is, but it seems to work fine for 16 x 16 pixel images. I’ll need to put some work into dealing with other images sizes, and to do that I’ll probably end up rewriting it using the Ruby NArray library, or Python’s numpy. Both of these also have the advantage that they aren’t Perl ;-)
To test it, I downloaded the icon set which is used by Bootstrap, GLYPHICONS, converted a few to 16 x 16 pixels PNGs and ran them through my script. Why these icons? Well, everything else on the Web uses bootstrap, so I decided to do the same!
To use the script, make sure you have the correct CPAN modules installed (use your system’s package manager if you can), then call it with something like:
perl --filename input_png_image.png
and paste the resulting output into an array in the Arduino environment. The OLED examples use something like this:
static unsigned char __attribute__ ((progmem)) twitter_bmp[]={
and then code like this to do the actual drawing:
display.drawBitmap(0, 0, twitter_bmp, 16, 16, 1);
I had some interesting problems with PNGs which hadn’t been processed by ImageMagick’s convert utility before use, and I haven’t attempted to handle images whose sizes aren’t multiples of 8 pixels. Still, you may find this script useful in your hackery.