There seems to have been a recent glut in static site generators. It looks like you can pick your templating language, and find a generator to go with it. Recently, I discovered hyde via the github blog, and decided it was worth trying out on a project I’m working on. That project is zshbits, a tutorial/screencast site for ZSH. I’ll be unveiling some zshbits content soon (for now I’m waiting for a cold to let up, so I don’t sound quite so nasal, and a new microphone) and readers here will be the first to know.

Recent versions of hyde, which is a fork of any-cms, have support for typogrify, a must for pretty posts, a sitemap generator, and other goodness. If, like me, you’re looking for something lightweight, which supports markdown, it’s probably worth taking a look. It’s probably also a good way of learning about django templates.